DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy)

Dialectical behaviour therapy

DBT is a skills-based cognitive-behavioural therapy that has been shown to help a wide range of people who struggle to manage their emotions. DBT is the abbreviation for Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. “Dialectical” means integrating opposites; within DBT we integrate the seemingly opposite strategies of acceptance and change. For example, your DBT therapist accepts you as you are while also acknowledging with you that you need to make changes in order to reach your goals. DBT skills include: learning to tolerate and manage distressing feelings without doing anything self-destructive; learning to step back from unhelpful thoughts and feelings; learning to keep your moods more stable overall; and learning about healthy relationships and healthy self-esteem.  Mindfulness is a core component of DBT.

I offer DBT-based treatment as part of a complete and comprehensive therapy plan, which includes: a detailed assessment; teaching you DBT skills to help you manage your emotions more effectively, with practice within the sessions; setting you tasks between sessions to practice the skills you are learning in the sessions, to help you test out and adapt them to your life; and helping you set and work towards goals that fit with your values and enable you to have a more fulfilling and stable life.

DBT has been shown to be effective in treating mood swings, bipolar depression, alcohol / drug dependence, and depression.

DBT can be particularly helpful for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. If you think this might apply to you please click here to learn more about the sorts of things people with this issue experience.